Santiago de Compostela | Spain

Rúa Virxe da Cerca, 24 bajo
Santiago de Compostela

Director | Chus Villar

Trinta gallery has existed since November 1985. The exhibition, promotion and sale of the work of the artists linked to it constitute the fundamental objectives of their reason for being. The criteria that animate the selection of its creators are always subjective.

What is your ideal type of collector? We don’t think there is an ideal type of collector. But, if there were, it would be the type that would be able, through their choices, to take the same risk as the artist with his/her proposal. Because of the type of work we defend we are more used to connecting more with unprejudiced art lovers than with investors. We like cultured and passionate buyers who don’t treasure names or actions, but possibilities of aesthetic enjoyment. Art lovers.

What, on the contrary, is the sort of collector you try to avoid at all cost? We don’t refuse any type of collector, because they tend to choose us. But we don’t like those who don’t comply with the terms and conditions we propose at the time of acquisition.

Who is the collector from whom you have learnt the most, and why? When a collector chooses a work of art they are somehow telling something about themselves. Some seek to “decorate” their home, others are looking for company in their lives. The most singular choices are the ones that help us learn the most. Art is completed through the spectator’s vision and it is that gaze which reveals new facets of the artist and their work that we may not have noticed before. There are countless names.

What, if any, is the mistake you would never make again? There is no such thing as the handbook for the perfect gallery owner, so there are always mistakes. Our maxim is to try to learn from them. What, if any, is the best deal you have ever made? In 1995 we received the award for the best Spanish gallery at the Arco fair and this was the coda to an event filled with sales and promotions of the artists presented at the stand.